Bonzers F'n rule
If you've surfed with me or peruse the SurferMag BB you're no doubt aware that I'm a huge fan of the Bonzer setup. Now, I'm convinced it's the best fin/board setup out there, hands down. This afternoon's session was another one out to Beng Beng but it was just 3 of us so we found ourselves alone with calm winds and a rising swell; 4-5' faces on the sets and probably the cleanest and most consistent we've surfed it. Lucky for me I decided to get the Bonzer wet and oh what a perfect board choice. First wave was just a long rippable wall, head high and clean and YES: Bonzer's do have a 6th gear, not just a 5th gear like I previously thought. I was flying and making sections I never thought I could, all day long. I connected a few of the sectiony waves into one long wave with some quality top turns and a nice cutback at the end of one to milk a few more yards out of an already long wave. Man, it was fun; I was laughing as my Aussie mates might say. My roommate Michael asked to take the Bonzer for a spin and he, too, was laughing. He's a very solid surfer (probably the 2nd best on this trip) and he's killer on his backhand so it was a joy to watch him absolutely fly on that board. I'd watch him from behind and he'd be 20 yards further down the line smacking the lip than my eyes would expect him. He paddled back out after the wave of the day with a big bewildered look on his face and just said "whoa..." as he got back in the lineup. Needless to say I think he's a convert to the Bonzer cult :) Many thanks to Moonlight for building such a wonderful board; it's an abosolute dream to be surfing that board in these waves.
So, I'm drinking a Bintang right now and we're watching surf videos and eating dinner getting ready for tomorrow when we're getting a new swell that's gonna open up few more places like Hideaways and Pitstops. The 2 footie players (Aussie football players) went to Hideaways today and we stopped by to watch on our way back and it was windy but somewhat clean and with some size; probably 5' and we saw a bomb roll through at probably 6 or 7' and it looks pretty gnarly. I'll be eating my wheaties tomorrow AM and taking a few shots of courage if we're gonna be surfing there as it's a pretty hairy spot with exposed reef at several points and a shallow, gnarly reef below that our guide is still nursing some wounds from 2 weeks ago. Good thing I'm getting more accustomed to surfing reef and employing a 1 bootie technique someone here endorses, though this wave is certainly upping the ante from what we've been surfing.
Looks like we've got some swell for tomorrow so for those of you saying your prayers for swell, thanks! See y'all later...
So, I'm drinking a Bintang right now and we're watching surf videos and eating dinner getting ready for tomorrow when we're getting a new swell that's gonna open up few more places like Hideaways and Pitstops. The 2 footie players (Aussie football players) went to Hideaways today and we stopped by to watch on our way back and it was windy but somewhat clean and with some size; probably 5' and we saw a bomb roll through at probably 6 or 7' and it looks pretty gnarly. I'll be eating my wheaties tomorrow AM and taking a few shots of courage if we're gonna be surfing there as it's a pretty hairy spot with exposed reef at several points and a shallow, gnarly reef below that our guide is still nursing some wounds from 2 weeks ago. Good thing I'm getting more accustomed to surfing reef and employing a 1 bootie technique someone here endorses, though this wave is certainly upping the ante from what we've been surfing.
Looks like we've got some swell for tomorrow so for those of you saying your prayers for swell, thanks! See y'all later...
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