Well, a couple Friday's ago I picked up a board made just for this trip: a Surf Rx Superfly round-pin. The board is built for speed and it just looks fast; no need to surf it to figure that out with the deep single concave, rounded-pin tail and solid yellow paint job!! A BIG thanks, as always, to DOC and the gang for building me another sweet board to add to my growing quiver. Anyway...
Now that the Superfly has arrived my travel quiver is complete. I'll be bringing a quiver of 4 boards on this trip:
The 6'7 "round pin is for the days and the waves when it's a little bigger or heavier than I'd ride the 6'4" and need that extra "oomph" to get me up and riding and then have a little more horsepower for that extra speed, thanks in great part to DOC's Superfly design with single concave throughout. DOC and I sat down and tweaked the hell out of nearly every dimension on this one and both think this board could be unreal over there for me. It's a great travel board in the dimensions, outline and glassing (went with 6oz rather than 4oz for the strength and I always like a heavier board in bigger surf). I have a feeling I'll be surfing this one a lot of the time.
The bonzer is there for...well...because it's my bonzer :) It's glassed heavier and has a bigger, fuller outline which I've found is great for stroking into nicer waves and affords me plenty of options on what to do on the wave so I'm super stoked to really give this board it's chance to shine. I love the bonzer design and have experienced that "5th gear" everyone talks about with the design so I can't wait to see if they have a hidden "6th gear" on some even nicer waves! Thanks to the team at Moonlight for building this beauty.
I'm not sure how much I'll be surfing the fish but it was just too tempting to leave it at home and I'd be regretting not bringing at least 1 fishy shape with me since these are the boards I surf most often and surf the best. This board has always been one of my favorites and the old standby when I'm looking for a fun shape to take out and just enjoy the art of surfing; it's no business, all pleasure...except going backside where 1/2 the time I inevitably end up on my ass with the board 6' above my head. It should be noted that said complications are due to user error, not the equipment :)
Oh yeah I'll also be bringing my swim fins in case I get the urge to bodysurf or just swim around and explore the Indian ocean.
From L-R:
Fish, RSQ, Superfly, Bonzer
(the bonzer and RSQ showed up to the shoot with wax all over them...pardon the oversight...)
Now that the Superfly has arrived my travel quiver is complete. I'll be bringing a quiver of 4 boards on this trip:
- Surf Rx RSQ - 6'4" x 19.25" x 2.375"
- Surf Rx Superfly round pin - 6'7" x 19.375" x 2.625"
- Campbell Brothers 5-fin bonzer - 6'6" x 20.25" x 2.75"
- Surf Rx Ol Skool Fish - 6'1" x 21" x 2.625"
The 6'7 "round pin is for the days and the waves when it's a little bigger or heavier than I'd ride the 6'4" and need that extra "oomph" to get me up and riding and then have a little more horsepower for that extra speed, thanks in great part to DOC's Superfly design with single concave throughout. DOC and I sat down and tweaked the hell out of nearly every dimension on this one and both think this board could be unreal over there for me. It's a great travel board in the dimensions, outline and glassing (went with 6oz rather than 4oz for the strength and I always like a heavier board in bigger surf). I have a feeling I'll be surfing this one a lot of the time.
The bonzer is there for...well...because it's my bonzer :) It's glassed heavier and has a bigger, fuller outline which I've found is great for stroking into nicer waves and affords me plenty of options on what to do on the wave so I'm super stoked to really give this board it's chance to shine. I love the bonzer design and have experienced that "5th gear" everyone talks about with the design so I can't wait to see if they have a hidden "6th gear" on some even nicer waves! Thanks to the team at Moonlight for building this beauty.
I'm not sure how much I'll be surfing the fish but it was just too tempting to leave it at home and I'd be regretting not bringing at least 1 fishy shape with me since these are the boards I surf most often and surf the best. This board has always been one of my favorites and the old standby when I'm looking for a fun shape to take out and just enjoy the art of surfing; it's no business, all pleasure...except going backside where 1/2 the time I inevitably end up on my ass with the board 6' above my head. It should be noted that said complications are due to user error, not the equipment :)
Oh yeah I'll also be bringing my swim fins in case I get the urge to bodysurf or just swim around and explore the Indian ocean.
From L-R:
Fish, RSQ, Superfly, Bonzer
(the bonzer and RSQ showed up to the shoot with wax all over them...pardon the oversight...)
I just came across this old blog while researching my trip to the Mentawais.
I am the guy from CO who bought your yellow 6'7" Surf Rx board for a trip to the tuamotus back in 2007. Well, I still have it & now it will be heading with me to the mentawais on Oct 4th.
How was your trip? Good in October?
By Sean, at 4:41 PM
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